A Comprehensive Guide to Government Rebates for Energy Star® Certified Windows and Doors

Installing energy-efficient windows and doors is an excellent way to improve your home’s overall comfort, energy savings, and environmental footprint. However, many homeowners may be deterred by the initial investment required for these upgrades. That’s where government grants come in, providing valuable financial incentives that make it easier to prioritize energy efficiency in your home.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various government grants available for Canadian homeowners who invest in energy-efficient windows and doors, focusing on the Canada Greener Homes Program, Efficiency Manitoba, and other related incentives. Whether you are taking your first steps towards a greener home or are an environmentally-conscious homeowner looking for ways to save on energy costs, our guide will help you navigate the vast landscape of government grants and incentive programs, empowering you to make informed choices for a sustainable and energy-efficient future.

Understanding the Canada Greener Homes Program

The Canada Greener Homes Program is a federal initiative designed to encourage homeowners to make energy-efficient upgrades, such as installing energy-efficient windows and doors, in their homes. By participating in this program, you can access multiple financial incentives, including:

1. Up to $600 back for a licensed energy audit: This covers the cost of an expert evaluation of your home’s energy performance, which identifies areas for improvement and provides you with a roadmap for making your home more eco-friendly.

2. Up to $40,000 interest-free loan: This financing option helps homeowners cover the upfront costs of energy-efficient upgrades, with flexible repayment terms and no interest.

3. Up to $250 back per window and $125 per door through the Canada Greener Homes Rebate: These rebates provide direct financial relief on the purchase of Energy Star® Certified windows and doors, significantly reducing the overall cost of your upgrades.

Eligibility Requirements and Application Process

To be eligible for the Canada Greener Homes Program, you must:

1. Be the registered homeowner of a residential property in Canada.

2. Complete a pre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation by a licensed energy advisor.

3. Conduct all retrofits within the agreed-upon timelines defined by the program.

Once you have determined your eligibility, the application process involves the following steps:

1. Register for the program through the Canada Greener Homes Grant portal.

2. Book your pre-retrofit energy evaluation with a licensed advisor.

3. Review your evaluation report and plan your energy-efficient upgrades.

4. Complete the upgrades using a qualified contractor, ensuring that all work meets both the program and Energy Star® guidelines.

5. Conduct the post-retrofit energy evaluation and submit the required documentation to claim your rebate.

Exploring the Efficiency Manitoba Program

Efficiency Manitoba is a provincial program that offers additional rebates for homeowners undertaking energy-efficient retrofits. By participating in this program, you can receive:

1. Up to $2,000 back ($100 per window and door) when you install Energy Star® Certified windows and doors, further reducing the cost of your energy-efficient upgrades.

To qualify for the Efficiency Manitoba rebates, you must:

1. Be a Manitoba resident and homeowner.

2. Complete all upgrades within the agreed-upon timelines defined by the program.

3. Use a qualified contractor to perform the installation work, ensuring that all products are Energy Star® Certified and meet the program requirements.

Partnering with Korsun Windows & Doors for Energy-Efficient Upgrades

As experts in energy-efficient windows and doors installation, Korsun Windows & Doors can help guide you through the process of accessing government grants and rebates for your home upgrades. Our knowledgeable team is well-versed in the eligibility requirements, application processes, and specific guidelines associated with the Canada Greener Homes Program and Efficiency Manitoba. In partnership with Korsun Windows & Doors, you can count on:

1. Expert Guidance: We will help you navigate the complexities of each program, ensuring you maximize your available incentives.

2. Energy Star® Certified Products: Our wide selection of energy-efficient windows and doors meet the highest industry standards for energy performance, ensuring they qualify for rebate programs.

3. Professional Installation: Our team of skilled experts will complete your window and door installations, ensuring they meet the program requirements and provide long-lasting performance.


Investing in energy-efficient windows and doors is a smart choice for homeowners who want to enhance their home’s comfort, save on energy costs, and make a positive environmental impact. Numerous government grants and rebate programs, such as the Canada Greener Homes Program and Efficiency Manitoba, provide valuable financial incentives that make these upgrades more accessible and affordable for Canadians.

By partnering with Korsun Windows & Doors, you can seamlessly navigate the rebate process while enjoying the benefits of expert installation and Energy Star® Certified products. Our team is here to provide guidance, support, and unmatched craftsmanship, ensuring you maximize your savings and make your home a more comfortable, energy-efficient space for years to come.

At Korsun Windows & Doors, we specialize in high-quality products and window installation services for Winnipeg and the surrounding areas, and we understand the importance of staying up to date with the latest government incentives and rebate programs for our customers. Ready to upgrade your home’s windows and doors while unlocking valuable government grants? Contact us today for a consultation, and let’s make your home a more comfortable, eco-friendly space while taking advantage of these incredible financial incentives!

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